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Title: Experimental analysis of performance and emission characteristics of CRDI diesel engine fueled with 1-pentanol/diesel blends with EGR technique
Authors: Santhosh, K.
Kumar, G.N.
Sanjay, P.V.
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Fuel, 2020, Vol.267, , pp.-
Abstract: This research work aims to investigate the effect of higher alcohol blends on performance and emission parameters of CRDI CI engine with various EGR rate. 1-pentanol has improved fuel properties compared to lower alcohols. It can be used as a blend with diesel to mitigate the toxic emissions and to reduce the dependency on diesel fuel. The experiment was carried out in a CRDI CI engine with 1-pentanol/diesel blends (10%, 20% and 30% v/v) as a fuel, the speed of the engine kept constant (2000 rpm) by varying the load from 20 to 80% in step of 20%. Two EGR rates (10% and 20%) were also tested with blends to find the effect on engine characteristics. The performance of the engine reduces with higher 1-pentanol proportion in the blend. The experimental investigation showed that for P30D70 about 3.8% drop in BTE, 9.14% rise in BSFC, 16.7% drop in NOx emission and a slight rise in HC and CO emission was noted at 60% load. The smooth operation of the engine was noted with 1-pentanol/diesel blends and can be concluded that up to 30% of the 1-pentanol can be used as an alternative to the diesel with a slight cost of performance. 2020 Elsevier Ltd
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