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Title: A review of dynamic web service composition techniques
Authors: D'Mello, D.A.
Ananthanarayana, V.S.
Salian, S.
Issue Date: 2011
Citation: Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011, Vol.133 CCIS, PART 3, pp.85-97
Abstract: The requester's service request sometimes includes multiple related functionalities to be satisfied by the Web service. In many cases theWeb service has a limited functionality which is not sufficient to meet the requester's complex functional needs. The discovery mechanism for such complex service request involving multiple tasks (operations) may fail due to unavailability of suitable Web services advertised in the registry. In such a scenario, a need arises to compose the available atomic or composite Web services to satisfy the requester's complex request. Dynamic Web service composition generates and executes the composition plan based on the requester's runtime functional and nonfunctional requirements. This paper provides the review of Web service composition architectures and techniques used to generate new (value added) services. � Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.
Appears in Collections:2. Conference Papers

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