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Title: A state transition based approach to recognize gestures using multi level color tracking
Authors: Alse, S.
Eligar, S.
Domanal, S.G.
Ram Mohana Reddy, Guddeti
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2013, 2013, Vol., , pp.704-708
Abstract: Gesture recognition is one of the most challenging tasks in Human computer interaction and it has wide range of applications. Here we propose a gesture recognition system which does not involve training the machine in order to detect simple gestures. The proposed technique involves multi level color (color inside color) tracking where region of interest (ROI) is found with respect to the outer color and then with respect to the next inner color and so on. Then the technique involves State transition based approach to recognize gestures where the tracked data is broken down into a sequence of transitions which determine a gesture. This technique is used to develop Jarvis[8], an open source project to control Linux systems using gestures and object tracking. � 2013 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:2. Conference Papers

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